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Development Charges

Development Charges provide for the recovery of growth-related capital expenditures such as roads, parks and servicing infrastructure for new development. 

The Municipality of Trent Hills has updated the Development Charges and related By-laws.

You are invited to review the:

2023 Development Charge Background Study

Addendum to 2023 Development Charges Background Study

2023 Development Charges Background Study - Office Consolidation


The following Development Charges By-laws are in effect as of February 20, 2024:

Development Charges for Services Related to a Highway and Growth Related Studies

Development Charges for Fire Protection Services

Development Charges for Parks and Recreation Services

Development Charges for Library Services

Mandatory indexing of the Development Charges By-laws will occur annually on the anniversary date that the By-laws are effective.

Municipality of Trent Hills Development Charges Policy

By-laws No. 2024-023 as amended, 2024-024 as amended, 2024-025 as amended, 2024-026

The following summarizes the Municipality of Trent Hills policy with respect to development charges.  By-laws 2024-023 as amended, 2024-024 as amended, 2024-025 as amended, 2024-026 impose Municipal wide development charges for municipal services.

The information contained herein is intended only as a guide.  Interested parties should review the relevant by-laws and consult with municipal staff to determine the charges that apply to specific development proposals.

To reflect rates effective March 25, 2025.


The Council for the Municipality of Trent Hills passed development charges By-laws on February 13, 2024, effective February 20, 2024.  Copies of the by-laws are available on the Municipality of Trent Hills website and/or from the Municipal Staff.

The Council for the Municipality of Trent Hills passed By-law Nos. 2024-109, 2024-110 and 2024-111, to amend development charges By-laws on November 12, 2024, effective November 15, 2024.

The by-laws impose development charges on all lands developed in the Municipality of Trent Hills except for lands subject to exemptions under the Development Charges Act, 1997 and in the by-laws.

Purpose of Development Charges

Development Charges help to finance capital projects required to meet the increased need for services resulting from growth and development.  Development charges are fees and may only be used for the purpose for which they are collected.

Statement of the Treasurer

The Treasurer for the Municipality must prepare an annual financial statement reporting on the status and transactions relating to the Development Charge Reserve Funds for the previous year.

This statement is presented to Council for their review and may be reviewed by the public on the Municipality of Trent Hills web site and at the Municipality Office upon request, during regular office hours, Monday to Friday, between 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Services Included

Trent Hills-wide development charges are imposed for the following services:

  • Library Services;
  • Parks and Recreation Services;
  • Protection Services; and
  • Services Related to Highway and Growth-Related Studies

Indexing of Development Charges

The development charges will be adjusted annually, without amendment to the by-laws, on February 20th of each year, in accordance with the prescribed index in the Act.


  • Enlargements to an existing dwelling unit
  • Additional residential units
  • Enlargement to the area of existing industrial buildings of 50% or less
  • Non-profit housing development
  • Farm buildings
  • Public hospitals

For a complete list of exemptions, please review By-laws 2024-023 as amended, 2024-024 as amended, 2024-025 as amended, 2024-026 or contact Municipal staff.

Development Charges Deferrals

Development charges are payable, with applicable interest, in equal annual installments for rental and institutional development. The installments begin on the date of first occupancy. Payments are due and payable in 6 (six) installments commencing with first occupancy rental housing and institutional development.

Development Charge Collection

Development Charges are collected by the Municipality at the time of issuing a building permit.

Further Information

For further information, please contact 705-653-1900.

Land Acknowledgement

We recognize the traditional keepers of this land and, specifically our neighbours of the Alderville First Nation, with a formal territorial acknowledgement.

Welcome to the Gunshot Treaty Lands of 1788. It is on these lands and on the shores of the big lake, the Mississauga Anishinabeg met with the Crown to facilitate the opening of these lands for

Let us be reminded of the responsibility we all have in making sure that we respect these lands and waters that give us life and sustain our livelihoods.

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