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Planning Applications

Planning Applications are required in order to make changes to your property, redevelop land, or create new parcels. Please see the Fees & Charges By-law for up-to-date application costs.

Please contact the Planning Department if you have any questions about concerning any applications. If you are unsure of which applications, you may need for your proposal, please submit a Development Inquiry Form.

Application For a Pre-Consultation

Pre-consultations work as an intermediate step between Development Inquiries and the Planning Application Process. Planning staff will reach out to you to choose a date for a meeting to discuss the opportunities and challenges that your proposal may face and advise you of next steps.

Depending on the nature of the proposal, multiple departments may be invited to discuss the application.

Application For a Minor Variance

Minor Variance Applications are required when a permitted use on a property would not comply with one or more provisions for that use. For example, if an extension to the side of a house was proposed that would encroach into the interior side yard setback for that zone, a Minor Variance may be supported to permit the extension.

Minor Variances must pass 4 tests under the Planning Act - 1) The variance must be minor in nature, 2) The variance must be appropriate and desirable, 3) it must meet the Intent of the Official Plan, and 4) The variance must meet the intent of the Zoning By-law. Staff will notify the applicant if a Minor Variance or a Zoning By-law Amendment is required to suit their proposal. 

Application For a Zoning By-law Amendment

A Zoning By-law Amendment is required to change the zoning of a property to allow a specific use, to allow uses that are not permitted as-of-right within Trent Hills, or to significantly alter the provisions on a property.


Application For a Consent or Severance

A Consent or Severance Application is required to create a new parcel, modify the boundaries of an existing parcel, transfer a part of a parcel to another person, or to create an easement for access or other purposes.

The creation of new lots through the consent process is limited per the Trent Hills Official Plan and Provincial Planning Statement, 2024. Please submit a development inquiry form and get in touch with staff to confirm if your property is eligible for a severance.

Plans of Subdivision are required for the creation of 3 or more lots within settlement areas. They often require the installation of municipal services, including roads, water, sanitary, and electricity. This also applies to Plans of Condominiums.

Please contact the Planning department for a Plan of Subdivision/Condominium or other related applications.


Application For an Official Plan Amendment

Official Plan Amendments are required to change the designation of a property within the Official Plan, or to expand the settlement area. Please reach out to a member of the Planning Department if you think an Official Plan Amendment may be required for your proposal.

Site plans ensure that development proceeds as approved and minimize impacts. It is a detailed plan of development that shows the location of buildings, services, driveways, walkways, parking, landscaping and how these relate to the surrounding uses.  Contact us to book an appointment to discuss the requirements of your site plan. 

Review the Site Plan Application

Application For a Part Lot Control Exemption/Deeming By-Law

Part-lot Control Exemption By-laws are primarily used to divide parcels within a registered Plan of Subdivision for the purposes of creating multiple freehold units in semi-detached and townhouse-style units. The affected structure must meet the zoning requirements and provisions for the zone in which it is located.

A Deeming By-law deems an area of land to no longer be part of a registered Plan of Subdivisions, allowing for lots to merge or be added to by adjoining lots.

Application To Close a Road Allowance

If your property is adjacent to a road allowance that is not in use, you may be eligible to apply to close the road allowance, have it declared surplus to the needs of the Municipality, and purchase a portion of it. Other adjacent landowners will have an opportunity to purchase their portion of the road allowance as well.

Please submit a Development Inquiry to the Planning Department to confirm whether the road allowance meets the criteria to be closed.

Please see the Trent Hills Sale Of Road Allowance Procedure for a list of the steps required to Close a Road Allowance.

 Find the road and entrance permits you need, including:

  • Entrance permits
  • Road cut permits
  • Road occupancy permits
  • 911 sign permit
  • Temporary road closure
  • Close a municipal road allowance

Cost Acknowledgement Agreement

Any application with a deposit as part of the required payment must include a signed Cost Acknowledgement Agreement. 

Land Acknowledgement

We recognize the traditional keepers of this land and, specifically our neighbours of the Alderville First Nation, with a formal territorial acknowledgement.

Welcome to the Gunshot Treaty Lands of 1788. It is on these lands and on the shores of the big lake, the Mississauga Anishinabeg met with the Crown to facilitate the opening of these lands for

Let us be reminded of the responsibility we all have in making sure that we respect these lands and waters that give us life and sustain our livelihoods.

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