Dog Kennels
Trent Hills requires dog kennel operators to license their kennels each year per our Kennel By-law.
You can submit a Kennel Licence Application online, if you meet the requirements of the Kennel By-law.

Kennel Licensing Fees (New Licence)
Breeding Kennel Licence Fee $300.00
Boarding Kennel Licence Fee $300.00
Breeding and Boarding Kennel Licence Fee $300.00
Hobbyist Kennel Licence Fee $300.00
Hunting Kennel Licence Fee $300.00
Sled Dog Kennel Licence Fee $300.00
Kennel Licensing Fees (Renewal)
Breeding Kennel Licence Fee $125.00
Boarding Kennel Licence Fee $125.00
Breeding and Boarding Kennel Licence Fee $125.00
Hobbyist Kennel Licence Fee $125.00
Hunting Kennel Licence Fee $125.00
Sled Dog Kennel Licence Fee $125.00
Contact Us
Municipality of Trent Hills
66 Front St S, PO Box 1030
Campbellford, ON K0L1L0
T. 705-653-1900
F. 705-653-5203
Land Acknowledgement
We recognize the traditional keepers of this land and, specifically our neighbours of the Alderville First Nation, with a formal territorial acknowledgement.
Welcome to the Gunshot Treaty Lands of 1788. It is on these lands and on the shores of the big lake, the Mississauga Anishinabeg met with the Crown to facilitate the opening of these lands for
Let us be reminded of the responsibility we all have in making sure that we respect these lands and waters that give us life and sustain our livelihoods.