A Zoning and Building Compliance Letter is a document that confirms the zoning and development information of an individual property.
A Zoning and Building Compliance Letter is intended to convey information to potential purchasers or other interested parties, including:
- Site development standards
- Building compliance
- Permitted/discretionary uses within the associated zoning district
If a survey is provided with the request, the letter will confirm if the buildings are located in compliance with the development regulations of the zoning by-law.
In order for staff to properly determine the correct zoning of your property, it is important that you identify the property location with a municipal address and roll number. In the absence of a municipal address, please complete the legal address section of the request form.
You can read more about Trent Hills Zoning By-laws on the following page: Zoning & Land Use
Information included in a Compliance Letter
Zoning and Building Compliance Letters may include the following information:
- Current zoning descriptions
- Compliance with zoning provisions and setbacks (without a current and up-to-date survey, an opinion on compliance with the current zoning by-law cannot be provided)
- Active Building Permits, Orders and Notices on file
- Official Plan designation
- Designated Heritage significance
- Conservation Authority Regulation
Does not include:
- Review of fences or walls between property owners
- Completion of building permit requirements under the Ontario Building Code
When to request a Compliance Letter
A Zoning and Building Compliance Letter may be requested when:
- Real estate is sold or purchased
- Financial institutions, when approving a mortgage
- Lawyers representing home buyers
How to Request a Compliance Letter
- Complete the online submission for a Compliance Request (limited to one request per property)
- Pay the $200.00 Compliance Letter fee, as set out in the current Fees and Charges By-law
Note: Acceptable payment methods include cash, cheques, or in-person debit. Credit cards and e-transfers are not accepted.
You will be contacted if additional information or clarification is required to complete the request. Requests can take up to ten (10) business days to process. Under certain circumstances, we can complete the request sooner. Please email us if you have questions about the processing time.