Roads and Transportation
The speed limit on all Municipally-maintained roads in the urban and rural areas of Trent Hills is 50 km/h unless otherwise posted. The County of Northumberland is responsible for the speed limits on all County roads.
Responsibilities of the Roads and Urban Services include winter control, resurfacing, paving, patching, grading and gravel resurfacing. The department also does dust control, street sweeping, ditching, culverts and storm system repairs as well as repairs and maintenance of street lights, sidewalks and bridges.
Within the boundaries of Trent Hills, our Roads and Urban Services Department maintains 527km of roads, of which 254km are gravel, 225km are surface treated and 48km are paved.
Every year, from March 1st to May 1st, the Municipality of Trent Hills enforces a reduced load period on all roads under its jurisdiction, as per By-law 2002-9.
Please see roads and entrance permits if you are planning to add an entrance and 911 sign.
If you have any concerns or questions, please call us at 705-653-1900, or 705-653-2610 after hours.
Contact Us
Municipality of Trent Hills
66 Front St S, PO Box 1030
Campbellford, ON K0L1L0
T. 705-653-1900
F. 705-653-5203
Land Acknowledgement
We recognize the traditional keepers of this land and, specifically our neighbours of the Alderville First Nation, with a formal territorial acknowledgement.
Welcome to the Gunshot Treaty Lands of 1788. It is on these lands and on the shores of the big lake, the Mississauga Anishinabeg met with the Crown to facilitate the opening of these lands for
Let us be reminded of the responsibility we all have in making sure that we respect these lands and waters that give us life and sustain our livelihoods.