Notice of Public Hearing / Public Meeting - April 1st, 2025
1. Severance Consent Application - B01/2025 (Helen Kabriel)
Description of the Proposal:
Severance Consent Application B01/2025, proposes to create one (1) new parcel, being approximately 6.29 hectares (15.56 acres) of vacant land for residential building purposes.
The retained portion, being approximately 2.61 hectares (6.46 acres) is vacant land for residential building purposes.
Zoning Amendment Application C03/2025 has been submitted in conjunction with this application.
2. Zoning By Law Amendment - C03/2025 (Helen Kabriel)
Description of the Proposal:
Subsequent to Severance Consent Application B01/2025, the purpose and effect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to recognize the creation of one (1) new parcel, being approximately 6.29 hectares (15.56 acres) of vacant land. The current zoning of the subject lands is the Rural (RU) Zone, Environmental Protection (EP) Zone, and Environmentally Sensitive (ES) Zone.
The zoning for the severed portion of Severance Consent Application B01/2025 will remain as the Rural (RU) Zone, Environmental Protection (EP) Zone and the Environmentally Sensitive (ES) Zone. The proposed zoning for the retained portion, being approximately 2.61 hectares (6.46 acres) of vacant land, will be rezoned to Rural Residential (RR) Zone and Environmentally Sensitive (ES) Zone. All Environmental Protection (EP) and Environmentally Sensitive (ES) Zoning will remain in place.
3. Severance Consent Application - B02/2025 and B03/2025 (Bai And Du)
Description of the Proposal:
Severance Consent Application B02/2025 proposes to create one (1) new parcel, being approximately 40 acres (vacant land), from approximately 143 acres, for residential building purposes.
Severance Consent Application B03/2025 proposes to create one (1) new parcel, being approximately 61 acres (vacant land), from approximately 143 acres, for residential building purposes.
The retained portion, being approximately 42 acres, contains the existing residential dwelling and outbuildings.
Note: these proposed severances were previously approved through Severance Consent Applications B08/2020 and B09/2020. As the required conditions were not completed within the legislated time period, the severance consent applications officially lapsed.
Contact Us
Municipality of Trent Hills
66 Front St S, PO Box 1030
Campbellford, ON K0L1L0
T. 705-653-1900
F. 705-653-5203
Land Acknowledgement
We recognize the traditional keepers of this land and, specifically our neighbours of the Alderville First Nation, with a formal territorial acknowledgement.
Welcome to the Gunshot Treaty Lands of 1788. It is on these lands and on the shores of the big lake, the Mississauga Anishinabeg met with the Crown to facilitate the opening of these lands for
Let us be reminded of the responsibility we all have in making sure that we respect these lands and waters that give us life and sustain our livelihoods.